Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Harry Potter!!!

We realize that this update is very late, but we have been SO busy that it has been impossible to find the time to write. We will try to catch up tonight!
If you're not a Harry Potter fan, you might want to skip this post because we are very passionate about these stories.
On Sunday, we had our tickets to Warner Bros. Studios booked to see where the Harry Potter movies were filmed. We were exhausted from Friday and Saturday, so we decided to sleep in and stay in the hostel until leaving for our tour. This excursion was definitely our favorite part of London. We got to see all of the original sets and props used to make the movies. It was so much fun to be able to look at such intricate details and reminisce on all of the stories that we love so much! It is impossible to put into words how excited we were. We even got to taste Butterbeer, which was delicious!
It was amazing to see how much detail went into these movies. Even after all of the plot details had been written by J.K. Rowling, there were thousands of people planning the designs and effects that made the movies come to life. Going through this tour really made us appreciate why it took so long for each movie to come out.
As you may have seen on Facebook, some of the highlights of the tour were: 4 Privet Drive, the Knight Bus, the Hogwarts Bridge, Dumbledore's office, the potions classroom, the Great Hall, the Ministry of Magic, Umbridge's office, Hagrid's hut, the animals that played Sirius' owl, Fang, and Crookshanks, and pretty much every prop you can think of! 

The end of the tour consisted of a walk around the model of the Hogwarts castle that they used for filming. Obviously there is no such thing as Hogwarts, so they used tiny cameras to make the model look gigantic. While walking through this room, there was nostalgic music playing so of course we both teared up.
We took our time during the tour, of course. So by the time we made it back to the hostel it was time for us to get some sleep. At this point in the hostel a group of 7 Americans had moved into our room. They were very inconsiderate, loud and obnoxious in the mornings. If anyone reading this ever decides to stay in a hostel, bring ear plugs and try to be courteous so your roommates don't hate you.

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